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Monday, January 19, 2009

Great Traditions

This weekend was my annual girls' weekend trip to Nashville with Courtney, Emily, and Amber (we missed you Shawn) and we had a GREAT time. Emily is the best host a friend could ask for each visit. This year we ate some great food (Jim-n-Nick's, Monell's, etc.), went shopping, watched movies, drank hot chocolate, ate cookies, and enjoyed my first hockey game!!! Spending time with my friends away from it all is always wonderful therapy for me. I get so caught up with my own to do list and life events and sometimes forget to "check-in" with the girls I have known and loved for as long as I can remember. My goal this year (I avoid the term "resolution" so close to the beginning of the year because those seem to break too easily) is to spend more time with friends. It seems challenging with all of the busy schedules, but I think we can do it.
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  1. Hey Kristen! Glad you are following my blog! Let's seriously try to get together and catch up soon. I don't ever work Thursdays or Fridays.

  2. I'm up for that "resolution"...welcome to the blogging world. Maybe this week I will become part of the facebook one ;)

  3. Love the blog! Looks like you girls had a great time!
